Tuesday, October 23, 2012

don't controll someone you love.

I think one of the reasons most relationships fail is because of this so called power people have, well think they have. Control over people, no matter how little it is, it becomes a habit to where people don't realize they are doing it. everyone is in control of their own life, their own sadness and happiness. It usually always starts when there is a problem that isn't being analyzed properly, one assumes the problem is for the worse and think its because of how they are, not good enough, not pretty enough, not worth it. One gets scared of thinking they are maybe soon to be left alone to face the world only by them self, so for the hope of not being left alone they put a chain around their loved one, forgetting or ignoring that one is in control of their own choices and emotions. One will try to use this control in hope of regaining the happiness the person brought them, and, or, regaining trust the person lost. If what they choose to do doesn't make you happy why stay in the first place. their choices could do nothing with you. it could be completely all them. one should know just because of what someone chooses to do, and if one doesn't like it just remember it's not because they aren't worth it, or not good enough. realize they are their own person and they have the right to be in control of them self and to not be controlled.

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