Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 Recap, Start of 2012.

Lol wow so much positivity on this Blog, even when I had over 10000 bad things I could have said about the guy I so called "missed" instead I just said I hated him :P So positive Lol :3

2011 Quick catch up
•2011 was the best year ever
•No Chris :D .
•Made tons of new awesome friends.
•No School, No Work.
•best friend setted me up with the Mr.Amazing Airon♥.
•No drama.
•Why am I being so positive C:
•Everything perfectly fell into place.

Ended 2011 watching Fireworks with friends and bf C: , then bumped into my drunk ass bestest friend and we had to babysit her till her boyfriend came to pick her up.

Started the new year with Bacon Cheese egg sandwiches and watched Lord of the rings with Mr. Amazing Airon. C: it couldn't have been any better.